A Great Bass Drummer
May 19, 2007 on 7:12 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Pipe Bands | 2 CommentsI’ve been thinking a lot about the current phenomenon of what is now called the “mid section”. More later.
In the meantime, here’s a photograph that includes one of the greats in “mid sections”: Luke Allen. This taken at Maxville games in August 1987.
(L-R) Me, Luke Allen, John Walsh, Tommy Anderson (Graham Kirkwood appears to be walking backwards in the background) Â
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Just thinking , what a mass of talent in that one picture.
Comment by Johnny J — May 23, 2007 #
Luke set a standard that I personally feel has never been matched. Pure musicality. It’s evident even from the ’87 footage. His one performance that gets me every time though is what he did in the medley at the ’88 Worlds. Brilliant! The cassette recording I had is long since worn out. The impression remains vivid.
Comment by KJacksonCapp — May 30, 2007 #