Technical Style
July 25, 2007 on 8:30 pm by Michael Grey | In Solo Piping, Technique, Tips | 1 CommentWhen it comes to technique there’s no one single, absolute and correct way to make things happen. By “things“, I mean the effective movement of fingers. “Technique”, simply stated, is the way we move our fingers to allow just the right amount of air to flow out of our melody-making chanter, the right amount of air to make gracenotes sound and appropriately place rhythmic flourishes (also known as embellishments). To me, that’s technique. Dead simple.
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Solo Piping on an Edinburgh Stage
July 12, 2007 on 6:06 pm by Michael Grey | In Solo Piping, Video | Comments Off on Solo Piping on an Edinburgh StageOK. It’s July. It’s summer. And I’m a bit lazy. Better to be outside than at the computer, I think. So I havn’t been all that attentive to this spot. My good intentions have been washed away by good weather, among other things. Continue reading Solo Piping on an Edinburgh Stage…
Duncan Johnstone
July 2, 2007 on 6:55 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Stories | 4 CommentsA photograph from 1983: a party at George Steele’s house [Glasgow Police Pipe Band] in Glasgow.
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