A New Hornpipe: “Sliding into Colintraive” (Score & Sound File)
March 4, 2008 on 8:32 pm by Michael Grey | In News, Score & Sound File, Solo Piping, Stories | 4 CommentsYet another tune from the fifth book, “Music for Everybody”; this time, “Sliding into Colintraive”. This hornpipe is the kind of tune my great teacher, the Aberdonian, George Walker, would call, “hillbilly music”. To George, anything uptempo and easily played on the fiddle would usually fall under the hillbilly category. I remember playing what I could at one Toronto Knock-out final: lots of Cape Breton reels to finish – lots of sweat. George was there and came by as I was putting the pipes away, “Ach, metty, fine playin’ but all that hillbilly music!”
So here, a recording of two renditions of hillbilly music: first slow and open, and second, in moderate tempo. To save space I did not repeat parts 1 to 3. Part 4 is played with the variation – as in the score.
The village of Colintraive is found on the Cowal Peninsula in Argyll on the west coast of Scotland. Colintraive is an important (relatively speaking) ferry crossing point to the island of Bute.
The “sliding” part? Hmmm. Let’s just say it had to do with a little wet pavement, a hill, a couple of cars and Visa car rental insurance (it really works).
I like this tune more than others I have made. It would work as a competitive solo piping hornpipe if your hands were in good form.
As always, I hope you find it of interest.
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Quote…”anything uptempo and easily played on the fiddle would usually fall under the hillbilly category”.
Reminds me of my Father who was pretty much an “MSR” kind of guy. I think “Crossing the Minch” was as “un-conventional” as he could take. I remember we were both watching SFU at the Portland Games when they broke into “Clumsy Lover” in the medley. I thought he was going to have a heart attack.
Have a good one, Sean
Comment by Sean Mc — March 5, 2008 #
Good story, Sean. Today its hard to think of “Clumsy Lover” as out there. Cheers, Mike
Comment by mike — March 5, 2008 #
Ach! That’s a fine tune Michael. A little too slow and tasteful for me, but a fine tune all the same.
You’re story about George Walker reminded me of my grand old teacher, the great Rexdalian P/M Morkie MacTumshie. He would always say “It’s not music unless you can flap you teets to it.” I suppose he and George had different perspectives on music, but I’d like to think that deep down, they were really trying to make the same point.
Comment by jamsie an t-sealgair — March 13, 2008 #
Yes, Jamsie. Morkie knew music, I agree. I’m sure you’re right, too: deep down we’re all trying to make the same point. Thanks for your note. M.
Comment by mike — March 13, 2008 #