The Last Day of the Year
December 31, 2008 on 2:28 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Tips | Comments Off on The Last Day of the YearA beautiful, crisp, clear, cold winter’s day here in Dundas, Ontario. For lovers of winter, this is a perfect winter’s day.  I’m more a “liker” of winter. But today is a shiny, bright punctuation point for the run-on sentence that was 2008.
I’m just in the door from snow shovelling and was compelled to grab my camera and take a photo of the day. This is a view from my backyard. The Green Man doesn’t look any happier with a whomp of snow on his head, and there wasn’t a golfer in sight on the course . But the sun is radiant. And that’s the kind of New Year I wish you all: all radiance, all the time!Â
With that, a Gaelic proverb for your consideration:
Is fheà rr teine beag a gharas na teine mòr a loisgeas.
(The little fire that warms is better than the big fire that burns.)
Happy New Year!
M. Â
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