Happy New Year! Keep Right on to the End of the Road
December 31, 2011 on 3:45 pm by Michael Grey | In Audio File, Random Thoughts, Solo Piping | 2 CommentsHappy New Year to one and all. Here’s a New Year’s prezzie:
This is a version of Harry Lauder’s “Keep Right on to the End of the Road“, a song that was number one with a bullet in 1918. Edinburgh-born Lauder was the first British singer to sell a million records. He’d surely wallop me with his famous hawthorn walking stick had he heard this version.
From “Nine Blasted Notes“, the dance remix of “End of the Road” (featuring Paula Lynn Walker). The hornpipe is my tune, “The Anne Spalding Hornpipe” – score here.
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Ev’ry road thro’ life is a long, long road,
Fill’d with joys and sorrows too,
As you journey on how your heart will yearn,
for the things most dear to you.
With wealth and love ’tis so
but onward we must go-
Keep right on to the end of the road, keep right on to the end,
Tho’ the way be long, let your heart be strong, keep right on round the bend.
Tho’ you’re tired and weary still journey on, till you come to your happy abode,
Where all you love you’ve been dreaming of will be there at the end of the road.
With a big stout heart to a long steep hill,
We may get there with a smile,
With a good kind thought and an end in view,
We may cut short many a mile.
So let courage ev’ry day,
Be your guiding star alway-
Anyway, get out those fancy pumps and dance!
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Happy New Year to you too Mike, and thanks for the wee taste of Harry & Mike! My grandfather, Jack Fraser of Vernon River, PEI, !st Cdn Tank Corps, was in the audience of a Harry Lauder show the night that Lauder got word of his own son being killed in action. Lauder came out to finish the show. Clearly, he was a man of his word. Have a great night, and look forward to more fun in 2012.
Comment by iainmacd — December 31, 2011 #
Thanks, Iain – same to you guys. That is interesting; that’s some trivia! What’s not clear to all here is that Lauder apparently wrote “Keep Right on to the End of the Road” shortly after his son’s death. M.
Comment by Michael Grey — December 31, 2011 #