Overheard: France

April 3, 2013 on 5:50 pm by Michael Grey | In Humour, News, Overheard | 2 Comments

I’m not an eavesdropper – seriously – but it’s amazing how often I happen (yes, “happen”) to overhear remarkable words; that is, words worthy of remark. I know you’re the same.

So it was yesterday morning, heading up to the eleventh floor downtown Toronto office where I work that I caught these wordy gems:
Moving to France is Nobody's Fault
Said by a guy in his late twenties, in a dark, skinny Don Draper Mad Men suit about two sizes too small, to his two female pals:

[Throws head back as exiting elevator], “Well, its not our fault she upped and moved to France.”

C’est vrai.



  1. Went for lunch a week or so back with brother, sister and Barb. Walking past a table of four “worker guys” on the way out I hear, in a serious tone: “No, it’s not gay if the third person is a woman. That’s a regular threesome!”

    Comment by iainmacd — April 3, 2013 #

  2. That is FUNNY! Love it. Thanks, Iain. M.

    Comment by Michael Grey — April 3, 2013 #

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