If a Car Stalls in the Forest …
December 29, 2013 on 7:35 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Random Thoughts | Comments Off on If a Car Stalls in the Forest …I took this odd photo this past week. I was a little startled [a word easier to write than say; does anyone say “startled” anymore?] to stumble on this while trudging in the woods not far from where I live.
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A Jolly Ol’ Christmas Stamp
December 21, 2013 on 8:35 pm by Michael Grey | In Delightful Data of the Day, Random Thoughts | 4 CommentsHa! You might have read the heading of this post and thought of a super-festive polka step, Ã la Ebeneezer Scrooge at the height of redemption; maybe stompy snow-removal attempts at the entrance to an anticipated Christmas shin-dig, one where you enter the room with snow-covered shoes and hope-to-hell you’re not asked to unveil your stinking socks (and the feet they conceal). No. This post is philatelic, that word you use never and the the kind of stamp you, um, lick (or did, back in the day).
Continue reading A Jolly Ol’ Christmas Stamp…
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