Reay Mackay of Lake Couchiching
April 25, 2015 on 6:12 pm by Michael Grey | In News | Comments Off on Reay Mackay of Lake CouchichingJust in the door from a rare visit with Reay Mackay and his wife Joan (and daughter Sheila and hubby, Michael) in their home an hour north of Toronto. It felt like old home week in their beautiful place on the shores of placid Lake Couchiching (couchiching reminds me of a “word” you might use to amuse a baby, just sayin’). Anyways, a great catch-up.
Reay is an amazing and priceless tradition bearer of our music. Taught by his Dad, Colin Mackay (yes, he, of course of the classic hornpipe, made by Reay – see John Wilson’s Book 2), Murdo MacLeod (Benbecula), and a star pupil of John Wilson (the seriously impactful piper of Edinburgh and Toronto, pupil of Roderick Campbell, the guy who wrote Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society, etc, and, himself, a great pupil of John MacDougall Gillies) Reay’s experience firmly touches hundreds of years of tradition. And, that aside, great to talk to, along with his fam, and have a bit of a gossip of today’s goings-on (OK, maybe more lot than bit).
He’s got a major music project underway, by the way, so stay tuned. Much good news to follow.
I’m just inspired for having visited such good people. Here’s Reay playing his beloved “side” instrument, the accordion. Just great.
A visit with the clan Mackay. Good friends and good for what ails.
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