Happy Canada Day – 5 Random Facts
July 1, 2016 on 7:14 am by Michael Grey | In Humour, News, Photographs | Comments Off on Happy Canada Day – 5 Random FactsToday’s the day. And since we’re here, five random facts about Canada – it’s always five (it’s a blog):
1. Ready for Aliens
The home of the world’s first Unidentified Flying Object “landing pad” (1967). A little weird but points for a small town trying – or maybe just seriously prescient.
2. Live French
The province of Quebec is home to the City of Montreal, which is the world’s second largest French-speaking city, by number of first language speakers – after Paris. I must say, I was surprised to find this fact. Montreal is a great place to be. Visit when you can.
3. Make a New Life
1 out of every 5 Canadians was born outside of Canada: Based on Statistics Canada, 6.8 million Canadians are foreign born. That is 20.6% of the population. This is the highest number of any G8 -or G7 – country. Surely people like that Nigel Farage guy would have conniptions in a place like Canada.
4. Take a Drink!
80% of all alcohol consumed in Canada is beer.
5. Pipes Up!
I estimate there are aboat, er, about 10,000 people in Canada who can play the Great Highland Bagpipe (i.e “Amazing Grace”, one part only, with no more than one choke and drones not necessarily tuned). So that’s a fine .00027740389% of the population of 36,048,521. I think surely there’re more triangle and contrabassoon players than pipers.
So there you go. Canada in 5 bloggy bullets.
And give us a tune for Canada Day you .000277-whaterver per cent wherever you are – and choke-free, s’il vous plaît!
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