Andrew Bonar (Boney’s Jig)
October 20, 2017 on 1:21 am by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands, Solo Piping, Stories | Comments Off on Andrew Bonar (Boney’s Jig)
It was some sad day to learn of the passing of Andrew Bonar.
I’ve known him for a very long time but it was during his two years living in the Toronto area that I got to know him a little more as we were both band mates in the 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe Band: a dry wit, great fun to be with, smart as could be – and a mighty fine piper and, yet, a humble guy.
My sincerest condolences to his family, especially, and his many friends. I’ve watched from afar as his beloved (and legendary, with no small thanks to his involvement) Simon Fraser University Pipe Band stood together and did what they could to support Andrew and his family.
I made this for Boney 25 years ago. Thinking of him now. A man who will be remembered.
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PS. The British Columbia Pipers’ Association, always at the forefront, it seems to me of doing the right thing, has launched The Boney Music Memorial Fund to help “support, promote and advance piping activities and events that were dear to Andrew Bonar.” Donations can be made here.
A Celebration of Life for Andrew Bonar will be held this Sunday, October 22 at 3:00 pm in Surrey, British Columbia.
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