5 Tunes I Wish I Had Written
December 19, 2008 on 7:27 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Stories | 4 CommentsWe all have our favourite tunes, pieces of music that we love to play or love to hear – or both. Pipe tunes are such short little things – pibroch aside – it’s hard to keep a Favourite Tune List brief. My own FTL changes a fair bit, and often. I think it depends on what I’m listening to, what’s on the radio, what I’m practicing, what the band is playing, my mood; I think all of these variables are among the drivers of my FTL.
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Hum Bug Pipers
December 15, 2008 on 8:24 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Stories | 12 CommentsOf the thousands of tunes made for playing on the Great Highland Bagpipe, there’s hardly a Christmas tune in the lot. Pipers write tunes for their pals, mums, dads, bands, teachers, to commemorate “in” jokes and happenings, birthdays, retirements, battles won and lost and places. But not much for Christmas – or Hogmanay or New Years for that matter!
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One of My Motivators
December 11, 2008 on 9:39 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Solo Piping, Tips | 3 CommentsNovember through to January have traditionally been my fallow practice months. In part, because I’ve been fed up with piping and needed time away and, part because I know time away from practice is a very good and healthy thing, especially when that practice is regular and intense. I’ve always felt better about piping after a good break. That’s got to be a good sign of a good “training” regimen.  I recommend planned time away from piping – or drumming – or any crazy intense pursuit.
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When Pipers Die
November 23, 2008 on 9:22 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands, Solo Piping, Stories, Tips | 5 CommentsI’m just in the door from Scott MacAulay’s memorial, held this afternoon in Hamilton, Ontario.  A standing room only crowd with lots of music: bagpipes, smallpipes and Gaelic song, and lots of heartfelt memory. It has been over two months since Scott’s death and, still, emotion was raw. It was great to see so many old friends and aquaintances. Scott would’ve been hugely proud of main organizers Kenny Eller, Donnie Forgan, Sue McCarroll and Bob MacCrimmon. “God love ’em, ” he’d say, I’m sure.
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Let’s Harmonize the Set!
November 16, 2008 on 1:37 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands, Tips | 18 CommentsMusic that never fails to make me feel better for listening is the kind made on the accordion – especially Scottish dance band stuff, though any accordion, in almost any style, will do. Piano or button key, the accordion is boxtastic.
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Watching Paint Dry & Pipe Band MSRs
November 9, 2008 on 8:14 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands, Whinges | 6 CommentsThis weekend I happened across a quote courtesy of the French philosopher, Francois Marie Arouet (aka Voltaire). He wrote, “the best way to be boring is to leave nothing outâ€. Ain’t it the truth. Think of the masses of news coverage of the politician who misspeaks, or the chatter after a concert when a singer forgets lyrics or an actor forgets lines – the kind of stuff that morphs to memory, leaves a strong, nearly indelible impression. TV networks make buckets of cash (I guess) producing TV shows of outtakes and “bloopers”. People love it. What makes bull fighting timelessly popular with the Spanish public? The artistry and athleticism of the matador, without doubt. I suspect, though, it’s more the possibility of a good old-fashioned gouging that tells the true tale, a matadorian misstep of the lethal kind keeps the crowds coming, and holds the potential for biggest impression and, dare I say it, most exciting entertainment.
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A Cape Breton Love Story
October 5, 2008 on 10:34 am by Michael Grey | In Humour, Music, Stories | Comments Off on A Cape Breton Love StoryMy friend, Thea (Gillis) Campbell, sent this to me this morning; as they say, I “LMAO”. I’m thinking you might like this:
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Breton Pipe Bands
July 6, 2008 on 10:31 am by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands, Video | Comments Off on Breton Pipe BandsYoann Le Goff sent me this site this morning: a link to a video recording of the premier grade pipe band event at Menez Meur, held June 30, 2008.  I am sure you will enjoy this video, you can watch and it’s almost like you’re standing in the crowd on what looks like an overcast early summer’s day in Brittainy. C’était un spectacle merveilleux.
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Oliver Schroer
July 4, 2008 on 3:03 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, News | 1 CommentOliver Schroer died yesterday.  A sad day. We do have his music. You can experience some of it here. RIP
June 23, 2008 on 9:55 am by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands | 10 CommentsThe competitive pipe band world is a challenging environment to make music. Rules (and hefty musical parameters) aside, its a place, generally speaking, where there are strong preconceptions about what a pipe band should – or should not – perform. For example, the competition medley, launched as an event around 1970, is barely middle age in human terms, and in musical terms is still suckling at the teat. For the most part, what’s heard in pipe band contests today are really well thought-out arrangements and configurations of the main tune types common to bagpipe light music. And, with one main, notable exception: the “reelpipe intro” or “hornreel” or whatever you call it, there hasn’t been huge interest in shaking up the 25 year-old (plus) competition “medley” format.
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