Listening With Open Ears
April 24, 2010 on 7:42 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Tips | Comments Off on Listening With Open EarsAfter pouring out their heart and soul and doing their best to play music for judges pipers often – very often – hear (or read on score sheets) comments like this: “Not the way I prefer to hear this tune,â€, “Not the way I was taught this tune†and, if the judge is in high rotation (read: hired a lot more than s/he probably should be for their good health), “Not as good as I heard you play last weekâ€. I can tell you I have had all of these comments – and a lot more – on my own crit sheets.
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Pipe Bands: Wisdom of the Ancients
April 17, 2010 on 8:14 pm by Michael Grey | In Pipe Bands, Tips | 2 CommentsA sample here of the blindingly obvious:
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Allemande Left (Nod to the Judge)
March 7, 2010 on 9:18 am by Michael Grey | In Solo Piping, Tips | 5 CommentsLast night’s final of the Toronto Branch of the Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario’s amateur knock-out was a first-class event. The morning after listening to a dozen excellent amateur pipers go through their paces got me to thinking. OK. I was thinking about this last night, but I’m still thinking about it this morning.
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A Good Reed Soaking is What You Need
January 20, 2010 on 10:04 am by Michael Grey | In Humour, News, Stories, Tips | Comments Off on A Good Reed Soaking is What You NeedMy first email of the day was a seriously laugh-out-loud experience. I mean LOL in the real sense. Not just the sort of thing we all do when we often send a sort of nondescript note or text and add “LOL”: “I backed out of the driveway today and nearly hit the neighbour’s cat LOL”. Well, I’m sure you wouldn’t write that, but I know you get my gist.
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December Rose
December 7, 2009 on 8:36 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Tips | Comments Off on December RoseAn unusually warm November and a trellis along the warmish outside of my house made this oddity of nature appear this past weekend.
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Pipe Bands and Political Parties
November 15, 2009 on 5:18 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands, Tips | Comments Off on Pipe Bands and Political PartiesOne of the few purely academic things I remember from my time grinding away at university and studying political science is about political parties; specifically, the definition of political parties. You’ll know political parties are about bringing together like interests, promoting those interests and engaging people to a level that makes political authority happen. Political parties are about aggregating interest. Simply put, political parties are about bringing together people who think the same way.
It strikes me that pipe bands are no different.
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A Good Use of Time (Maybe)
September 27, 2009 on 5:06 pm by Michael Grey | In Stories, Tips, Whinges | 4 CommentsI was watching the local news last week and a segment popped up that talked about the release of new internet stats. I can’t find the link to the piece otherwise I’d happily provide it here. Anyway, the story centred on the internet: now preferred over TV for entertainment and info-gathering.
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June 20, 2009 on 10:36 am by Michael Grey | In Music, Pipe Bands, Tips, Video | 6 CommentsIdiomatica. A bit of a poncie sort of self-conscious name for a medley, isn’t it. But what fun to say – and play. I feel confident saying that the Toronto Police Pipe Band had a great, if not challenging, winter of practice shaping this puppy up (as Pete Aumonier might say). And If anyone had any doubt about the degree of serious intensity most of the pipe band world takes pipe band music you only have to look to the internet. Yikes. Reading a sampling of the voracious and sometimes downright bitter opinion Idiomatica elicited made me think the Toronto Police Pipe Band might’ve had a cheerier response had we marched on the field and pulled a Sinead (publically rip up a photo of the Pope). Either that or offer the world the 7,864th medley that starts with a marchpipe. Continue reading Idiomatica…
Hank Thoreau
June 15, 2009 on 5:54 pm by Michael Grey | In Tips | Comments Off on Hank ThoreauA quote for a lazy (can’t-think-of-anything-to-write) sort of Monday evening:
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Smiling on the Judges
May 29, 2009 on 1:43 pm by Michael Grey | In Humour, Pipe Bands, Solo Piping, Stories, Tips | Comments Off on Smiling on the JudgesI am not a big fan of judging. I mean by that, that I don’t generally get a lot of heel-clicking, raise-your-glass glee out of judging, assessing, pipe band (or solo piping) competitions. Done well, judging, or “adjudicatingâ€, takes great concentration – in fact, its damned hard work. Hats off to those who have for years undertaken the judging challenge with aplomb and undisputable fairness.
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