Dunrovin Farm, North Hatley, Quebec
September 7, 2015 on 7:08 pm by Michael Grey | In News, Photographs, Stories | Comments Off on Dunrovin Farm, North Hatley, QuebecThis past Saturday I found my way back to the homeland, Quebec’s Eastern Townships, for a flying visit: there and back the same day. By far the shortest visit I’ve made to this place, about 750 kilometres from where I live today. Fleeting? Yes. But sweetly memorable. The occasion, sadly, was a funeral. Though the service, on this day in the small 19th century country church, was for a man who lived a good long life, a life lived well and one with a legacy of seriously fine people – and a lot of stories. Stories galore. Gordon Stuart was a big man who lived large. And so this day, marked a fine send-off and a quiet celebration marking goodness and a good life. Surely this is at the core of why we have funerals.
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Jane Campbell: An Early Look at a Tune [Drum Score]
July 20, 2015 on 8:21 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Photographs, Pipe Bands, Stories | Comments Off on Jane Campbell: An Early Look at a Tune [Drum Score]You may know I’ve been working a little these days to help make the January 30, 2016, “Live in Ireland 87” concert happen. In doing that I’ve found myself going through my (many) boxes of scores, letters and other assorted ephemera. I can say with hand on heart that, over the years, I really have saved a lot of paper.
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Toothpaste and Judges
May 27, 2015 on 6:54 pm by Michael Grey | In Humour, Pipe Bands | Comments Off on Toothpaste and JudgesJudges working around the games might be compared, in a way, to a tube of toothpaste. Yep. You read that right.
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Reay Mackay of Lake Couchiching
April 25, 2015 on 6:12 pm by Michael Grey | In News | Comments Off on Reay Mackay of Lake CouchichingJust in the door from a rare visit with Reay Mackay and his wife Joan (and daughter Sheila and hubby, Michael) in their home an hour north of Toronto. It felt like old home week in their beautiful place on the shores of placid Lake Couchiching (couchiching reminds me of a “word” you might use to amuse a baby, just sayin’). Anyways, a great catch-up.
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Ring Tone
April 13, 2015 on 8:06 pm by Michael Grey | In Delightful Data of the Day | Comments Off on Ring ToneWhile walking down a stairwell today from the sixth floor of a local hospital I heard an echo-y mobile phone ring from down below. This ring made me stop in my tracks.
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Cowal Games 1929
March 15, 2015 on 7:07 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Pipe Bands, Solo Piping, Stories, Tips, Video | Comments Off on Cowal Games 1929Say what you like, but I’ve always liked Cowal Games. Of those I recall, my memories are nothing but the happiest – or – at least – really good. OK. Not always, “really good”, but memorable. Yes. Memorable. Well, mostly memorable, but usually fun. Cowal, as much, if not more, than other contests, has given me some stuff to remember. I’ve socked it all away and stand today with a good few stories to regale the unsuspecting at the drop of a hat. Cowal Games: you rock.
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The Worlds: Fish Suppers all ‘Round!
March 8, 2015 on 6:20 pm by Michael Grey | In News, Pipe Bands, Stories | 2 CommentsHere’s a curiosity: a long-ago-redeemed copy of a cheque. Usually such a thing isn’t much interest except maybe for keen auditors (redundant, I know; of course, all auditors are keen), but this image is one for the few pipe band historians around: this is a copy of the cheque that paid out first prize to the 78th Fraser Highlanders at the World Pipe Band Championships in 1987.
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Glasgow 1901
February 26, 2015 on 8:43 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Stories, Video | 2 CommentsA sort of random posting here: a really interesting video clip filmed in April of 1901 of Jamaica Street, Glasgow. An old street name, even for Glasgow, the thoroughfare, or, at least, the street named Jamaica, opened in the late 18th century and was apparently named for the then raging rum and sugar trade.
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Battle of the Birds
January 12, 2015 on 6:45 pm by Michael Grey | In Humour, Photographs, Random Thoughts, Stories | Comments Off on Battle of the BirdsThe desperate battle of the birds. And, no, not a rare Friday night girl-fight, and no talk of the pibroch generally known by that name; a few words this moment on fighting flying feathered creatures.
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HBD Hector MacDonald
December 1, 2014 on 4:46 pm by Michael Grey | In Photographs, Stories | Comments Off on HBD Hector MacDonaldA photograph today: In honour of Hector MacDonald and his milestone birthday this week. And with it a nice bit of video here showing a little of Constable MacDonald’s other non-piping talents.
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